Sports Therapy Massage
What is Sports Therapy?
Active sports people know how important it is to look after their bodies well, after all, when you’re injured you can’t play. Sports Therapy with Annette Wrigley & Suzannah Blackwell at the Cenacle Treatment Centre will help you to be your best.
Massage is an essential part of any sports treatment regime. It stimulates the circulation, releases toxins and helps to keep the muscles lengthened. It can be tailored to suit your needs, whether that’s a pre-event warm-up or a thoroughly relaxing post-session treatment aligning muscle fibres and removing lactic acid.
For recovery from injury, a more specific programme is needed. Gentle massage can still be useful to maintain circulation and muscle tone, especially if you have to break your training while you recover.
Particularly useful for:
- Runners’ calves and hamstrings
- ITB problems
- Ankles and knees that feel restricted even after recovery from injury
- Footballers’ groin strains
- Cricketing shoulders, esp bowlers
- Tennis players’ elbows and wrists
Connective Tissue Massage (CTM)
This is not a massage but a form of stretching to release the fluids trapped within the connective tissue between the muscle fibers. Using CTM techniques any adhesion’s in the superficial connective tissue layers are broken up and relaxed through reflexes. This technique can be useful when a client has extremely tender and tight muscles: by releasing the superficial tension, the muscle can be softened therefore allowing further massage treatment to proceed.