Jenny Grand - an Emotional, Behavioural and Health Coach in Greater Manchester offering advice and guidance in improving general health and enhancing
emotional and behavioural performance and success.
I am a Life Coach and Master Practitioner in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Advanced Practitioner and Trainer in and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Practitioner in TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique), Practitioner in Time Line Therapy, Reiki Practitioner and Practitioner in Mindfulness Based Inner Re-Patterning. I am lso a member of the International Stress Management Association and registered to work with individuals and groups in private practice and both strategic and support services in the workplace. I am fully qualified and fully insured.
I have spent most of my working life as a Human Resources Manager working in a variety of organisations in both the public and private sectors. I have a Masters Degree in Human Resource Management, and am a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, a Fellow of the Institute of Welfare with Registered and Accredited Welfare Officer status. It was during my many years as a HR Manager that I was introduced to the above therapies and quickly realised the potential for using these therapeutic techniques to not only to help individuals deal with change, both in their personal lives and working lives in a more positive and effective way, but also to enhance their performance and success in all areas of their lives, and improve their general emotional and physical health and well-being. I then decided to study these areas in more depth to enhance my knowledge and understanding of their benefits and gained the following qualifications:
- Certified Master Practitioner in the Art & Science of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
- Certified Coach in the Art & Science of NLP
- Certified Coach in the Art & Science of HNLP
- Certified NLP Sports Practitioner
- Time Line Therapy Practitioner
- EFT Advanced Practitioner and Trainer
- Certified TAT Practitioner
- Certified Reiki Practitioner
- Mindfulness Based Inner Re-Patterning Practitioner
- Reiki Practitioner
- NCFE Certificate & Diploma in Life Coaching
- MISMA Stress Advisor
- Mental Health First Aid Certificate,
- I am also a member of the following Professional Associations:
- ANLP (Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
- TLTA (The Time Line Therapy Association)
- CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development)
- IWO (Institute of Welfare)CMI (Chartered Management Institute)
- ISMA (International Stress Management Association)
- GE (Guild of Energists)
The human mind is very powerful, unfortunately it does not come with a manual to help us understand how it works so most of us are unable to use it to our advantage. NLP and the various techniques that underpin it help us to understand how we have built our own individual understanding of reality i.e. our own manuals, or 'maps of the world'.
If our map is not working for us in a positive way, we can learn how to change it. NLP and the Energy Meridian Therapies of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Mindfulness Based Inner Repatterning, TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique) and Reiki work well together. They facilitate personal change and growth quickly and effortlessly, and open up a pathway to creating the changes you want in your life. Further information can be provided if required. I hold a weekly clinic at .
The Cenacle Treatment Centre, Dialstone Lane, Offerton, Cheshire, SK2 7LE. If you would like to discuss this matter further or make an appointment please contact me on 07980 313025 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. ;