News from Cenacle Treatment Center

A year on from mental health white paper

In February 2013 paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind, said: “The stigma facing people with mental health problems often means that they do not access the support or services they need and deserve. Mind welcomes the MEC’s initiative to provide a service which will provide treatment to MPs which they otherwise may not get. Mind’s ‘Taking Care of Business’ campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of mental wellbeing in the workplace and what employers can do to achieve this.

"Our aim is that all workplaces, and the House of Commons is no exception, strive for a mentally healthy working environment.”

Perception of needing mental health support

It was deemed that Existing commissioning arrangements made it difficult for Members of Parliament to access mental health treatments. The only option was for most MPs to access services locally but their profile in the community, and their frequent contact with local health care commissioners, ment that MPs were often unwilling to take the path because of the existing stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health.




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