News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Its a natural way of supporting your body to better maintain ba balance and enable you to function at your optimum capability. By using remedies made from natural sources it strengthens your immune system to help you make a quick recovery. It

Everyone who practices tai chi agrees that the increased flexibility is one of its great attributes. Many of these benefits are consistent with many other forms of low-impact exercises, with the added benefit of focus on improved posture, balance

Swine flu is high on the media agenda and in peoples thoughts. With the growing occurrence of reported side effects to Tamiflu and not every one wanting the upcoming flu jab what are the natural alternatives. First to say is that the better your

Massage is a skill that has been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. Massage can be defined as manipulation of the soft tissues of the body in order to produce the desired effects on the vascular, muscle and nervous

For over two hundred years the technique of hypnosis has been used in medicine to treat a wide range f physical, psychological and emotional disorders. It has also long been recognised that hypnosis may successfully be combined with other

Hypno-psychotherapy recognises that there are many ways of looking at how the mind works. Some people, for instance, take the view that ourthoughts and actions are mainly affected by the way we look at the world and how it trats us. Others

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