News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Recent research shows that a high level of vitamin C can significantly reduce the risk of developing diabetes….by up to sixty two percent. Beneficial levels can only be achieved by eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables and supplementing

Homeopathy is based on the principle of 'like cures like' for example in cases of insomnia, a drug would be prescribed to induce an artificial sleep, sometimes causing unwanted side effects such as daytime somnolence or addiction. In homeopathy

A report in the Lancet this week following two long term studies shows that omega 3 fish oils significantly reduce the risk of death or hospitalisation compared with statins. 1g of omega 3 cuts the mortality risk by nine percent and rate of hospital

Balance blood sugar levels: Always have protein and carbohydrates together at each meal and snack to promote steady release of sugars into bloodstream. This helps reduce_blood_cells headaches, poor concentration, sugar cravings, PMT symptoms

Q. Are herbs just for long term problems. A. Although they are often used to deal with long term chronic conditions, they can also be used for preventative measures and acute conditions as simple as a sore throat. Q. I am on medication from

A research team in Melbourne Australia led by Dr Pene Schmidt, found that parents were unaware of the seriousness of their children's condition. Two thousand one hundred children had their BMI ( body mass index) and waist circumference taken. This

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