Mindfulness helping Physical and Emotional problems
We welcome individuals with back care issues, M.E. or M.S. Classes are inclusive and centered around the needs of all participants
Stress, anxiety, and depression can affect all of us at some time in our lives and can have an impact on our wellbeing and ability to cope effectively.
Mindfulness with Mental health Professional Samantha Phillis
As an experienced counselor with 12 years experience of working with clients from all different backgrounds and in different settings, I am very aware of the physical and emotional toll the stresses of everyday life can take on us.
I believe by practicing a form of mindfulness called “mindfulness resilience enhancement” we can learn to deal with the anxieties and stresses life can bring us more effectively; I also believe we can learn to appreciate moments in our lives better just by learning to stop…..and BREATHE.
Mindfulness Resilience Enhancement
Mindfulness Resilience Enhancement is an approach to mindfulness which encourages people to approach life with more kindness and instead of being about specific mindful meditations at appointed times in our day (although this is welcomed as well!) its about embodying mindfulness and noticing or having ‘mindful moments’ throughout our lives and therefore learning to ‘savour’ life more.
By attending group or individual mindfulness sessions, I can demonstrate the very easy ways of learning basic mindful techniques which you can then generalize to all areas of your life.
This is not a ‘magic cure’ for anxiety and, as a therapist, I am alert to how some practices can raise emotional issues for clients but the underlying basis or MRE is kindness so if anything we are doing in practice is causing distress then it's time to stop and this distress can be explored further; either during a one-to-one session or after a group session.
Please contact me for more information about mindfulness and MRE.
Mindfulness with Douglass Craddock