News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Only a section of the many challenges we face, as fallible human beings, are mentioned above. There are many others and they can be discussed in strict confidence with the therapist. Please note, however, that there are significant doubts about

It's a mystery and a miracle: An acupuncture needle inserted in the pinkie toe changes a breech baby's position in the womb. How is this possible? Ever since the 1970s, when this ancient Chinese tradition debuted in the U.S., Western

SCIENTISTS in Manchester are seeing if acupuncture could help beat the draining symptoms of breast cancer treatment.Previous studies have already suggested the ancient Chinese art, which uses pins inserted at points around the body, may relieve

The World Cancer Research Fund survey has issued a report today and there are clear findings to link obesity, and the British drinking culture is linked to cancer. And it states that there is a direct relation between the extent of excessive

Cancer patients improve from recieving colon hydrotherapy I have found over the years that cancer patients who are not doing well usually are toxic and not being cleansed. They certainly are in need of colon hydrotherapy, advisers oncologist and

Green tea has been linked with a series of health benefits A chemical extracted from green tea could help scientists to develop new drugs to fight cancer. Tests by UK and Spanish researchers showed polyphenol EGCG taken from green tea leaves

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