News from Cenacle Treatment Center

This process is like acupuncture but without the needles, and is a simple procedure that stimulates well established meridian points on your body by tapping them with your fingers. The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the

Everyone has there on time line although they may not be aware of it. This is how people code and store their memories and experiences and is to be the basis of personality. Negative beliefs and decisions made in the past, whether consciously

When we understand what hypnosis is we will find that hypnosis has been around in some form since time began, for instance animals when hibernating will turn inwards and are able to exist for long periods without sustenance, the caveman staring into

Hypnotherapy is a therapy using hypnosis not only to alleviate symptoms but also to uncover the root cause of the problem which can be corrected thus ensuring a complete and permanent cure. Because hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation your

Coughs, colds, sleeping problems, nappy rash, asthma, bed wetting, dummies, feeding problems, travel sickness, lack of confidence reading and writing difficulties Homeopathy is a safe natural way of treating your baby or young child, using

Do you suffer with: • Stress • Energy dips • Sugar cravings • Headaches, lethargy, tiredness • Lack of concentration Simple dietary changes can reduce these symptoms and provide you with: • More energy • Weight loss/management • Reduced risk of

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