News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Many new mothers to be approach the time of birth with what can only be described as great apprehension and concern, usually due to some of the horror stories told by mothers who may have experienced a painful childbirth so the suggestion of

If you have ever had homeopathic treatment and it has worked for you, how about supporting this campaign to raise public awareness of this amazing complementary therapy.
Hypertension is high blood pressure. When blood pressure is measured it is given two numbers and normal blood pressure is around 120/80. Anything over 140/100 is considered to high. Many factors such as stress, smoking, weight problems, excess

Herbalism can help you and relieve any attacks, a twenty minute consultation to ascertain what symptoms you suffer from and to note any medication you may be on. You will be supplied with and instructed on how to use a selection f natural herbal

A report today from the University of Hull suggests that anti-depressants only help a small amount of severely depressed people and that many patients still remain depressed. In the Stockport area there is a waiting list to receive counselling

The cost of smoking and some of the benefits of stopping. How long have you been smoking? How much do you spend on smoking? By looking at the table below, you will be able to work out how much money you have burned away. It is based on the cost

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