News from Cenacle Treatment Center

•Introduction-One of the Salts of the remedy china officinalis •Common Name: Peruvian Bark, China Regia, Kina-Kina, Cinchona bark. •Family-Rubiacae.Central and South America Remedy action on all levels: •Clinical:Physical-Debility, exhaustion

All women of a child bearing age should be tested for thyroid function and auto-immunity before getting pregnant. UK midwives say more evidence is needed of the merits of screening. "Every young women should be sure that her thyroid gland works fine

Why not register your company with the CTC and you could win a free corporate wellbeing day including our spinal assesment programme.
Nagging Neck Pain?    Debilitating Back Pain?    Headaches and Stress? If you have a concern with PAIN, with lack of MOVEMENT and STIFFNESS, or feel your body is older than you – then let us put some LIFE back into yours!
Why not register your company with the CTC and you could win a free massage wellness  day for all your workers in your company.
We will be giving our BSC client members  a chance to win awards from free massage treatment to free P.T classes. Please feel free to get back in contact with the BSC if you want to find out more about becoming a member or be envolved in the new

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