News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Adipose Tissue DiagramEffects of quick fix diets

The effects of quick-fix diets often don't last, as many people fall back into old eating and activity habits after the weight is lost. If you find your weight is going back up again, it's time to take action. How to keep weight off The key to reaching your ideal weight and keeping the weight off is to make long-term changes to your diet and lifestyle that you can stick to for life.


Why do I gain weight?

Why do I gain weight?People with the metabolic disorder that this treatment addresses, gain weight because the hypothalamus (a gland in the brain) wrongly believes that the person is under threat, and therefore lays fat down in a protected form as a survival mechanism.

This fat can only be then accessed when the person is either starving or pregnant, to feed the baby, and until the gland is corrected it will not be possible to lose this abnormal fat despite all normal dieting and exercise regimes.

The protocol that we use addresses both the releasing of the abnormal weight, and the re setting of the hypothalamus and therefore correcting the problem so that in the future any weight that has been gained can be easily removed in the normal way.

Metabolic syndrome

People with the metabolic disorder that this treatment addresses, gain weight because the hypothalamus (a gland in the brain) wrongly believes that the person is under threat, and therefore lays fat down in a protected form as a survival mechanism.

This fat can only be then accessed when the person is either starving or pregnant, to feed the baby, and until the gland is corrected it will not be possible to lose this abnormal fat despite all normal dieting and exercise regimes.

The protocol that we use addresses both the releasing of the abnormal weight, and the re setting of the hypothalamus and therefore correcting the problem so that in the future any weight that has been gained can be easily removed in the normal way.

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