Mental Health

Staying Mentally Healthy at Work

With 1 in 4 of us experiencing mental ill health at any one time, keeping mentally healthy at work is an issue for all of us including those of us who already have a diagnosed mental health condition, those of us who experience mental ill health while we are in a job as well as those of us who become unwell as a direct result of stress in the workplace.

There is a popular misconception that most people with mental health problems do not work. The office of National statistics survey shows that while mental ill health is an important cause of disability for people who are unable to work, the majority of working age people with mental health problems are in paid employment (albeit many undiagnosed and untreated).
If employed, we spend a lot of time at work and so a mentally healthy workplace can play a large part in promoting mental wellbeing.

There are simple ways to look after yourself at work:

Talk to someone you trust, chat to colleagues informally for support, speak to human resources or health and safety departments if you have them, use your full holiday entitlement, take proper lunch breaks, look after your health (eat well, exercise and relax) and nurture other interests outside of work.

You can find out more from the National Mind website which has a wealth of information about staying mental health and wellbeing at work

The Health and Safety Executive also have information for individuals on recognising and dealing with stress at work.more from MIND

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