News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Obesity a concern in UK

Obesity rates in the UK are the highest in Europe and have increased dramatically over the past few years to such an extent that in excess of 20% of the population are now obese and the costs to the UK economy exceed £3 billion per year. In Birmingham, over 25% of the population are obese - the third highest rate in the UK.
Obesity levels of males have risen and the national average is

The high prevalence of obesity in adults within England is alarming, with national averages of over 40% of males overweight and more than 20% obese in the 16-75 year age range, while in women the averages are lower for the overweight classification but higher for obesity.. (sorced from obesity Uk)

Good Diet regular exercise but you still gain weight?

Unfortunately some people try a variant of weight loss methods with little or no effect, this could be a for a multiple of reasons but the most common is poor thyroid functioning or a metabolic syndrome.

How can I exercise if I'm injured and not gain wait.

With some people trying to lose weight its their relation ship with food some people eat to suppress emotions not to feel full. Other patients eat food with high calories do not exercise and work in a office environment, but if this lifestyle is addressed and changed then slimming can be achieved. For people that can not exercise and feel they need support to help them maintain or lose their wait hypno -banding or hypnotherapy slimming can help.

How Hypnosis Can Help You.

So how many times have you chosen one of those fad diets? You followed it rigiSafe Weight Lossdly until you lost that weight, your stomach growled and all you could think about was that you could have that four ounces of carrot juice but that piece of pie was a million miles away, but you accepted this agony as an inevitable part of the weight loss process. Finally you reached your goal, maybe lost an extra pound or two just to give yourself that bit of extra leeway. Then you thought that it was okay to stop your diet and eat normally only to find that within a few weeks the weight had gone back on.

Successful Weight Loss re programming for Results.

The the use of hypnosis and other reprogramming techniques you will be able to achieve those results you want to achieve in a safe easy way. The process is simple and easy to follow which will enable you to reprogram your mind for success by building up your self esteem, your positive self image and your self confidence so that you are able to accept that slimmer you. It will incorporate into your life new patterns of behaviour in regard of how, when, where you eat and specific objectives necessary for you to achieve weight loss, maintain weight loss and incorporate those new habits to help you feel good about yourself and body. Some of those objectives included in the process will enable you to:- Increase the appeal of healthy foods. Making them more desirable and making fatty foods less desirable:- Give less importance to food as it relates to your feeling of well-being. Which will enable you to eat correct and reasonable amounts of food becoming satisfied:- Reflect on all the positive things in your life. Focusing on all the goals and successes you have already achieved.

For more information on how you can achieve safe easy weight loss give me a call now and book your free no obligation consultation and start making those positve changes now.

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