News from Cenacle Treatment Center

What is Couples Counselling?

Couples Counselling is for anyone who is having difficulties in their relationship. The purpose of Couples Therapy is to help you stay together as a couple unless you expressly wish to separate, in which case, couples counselling can help you to do that more amicably. I can provide a safe setting for you and your partner to discuss the way you feel and behave toward one another and to look at how your difficulties have arisen.

Past histories and current stresses can play a part in undermining communication and creating conflict.

The aim of counselling is to increase understanding of how problems affect your relationship and to enable you as a couple to find new ways of dealing with the problem and to help you both facilitate changes.

“50 % of separated people said they felt there were things they could have done to prevent their breakup and wished they’d done more” DCSF Support for All, Government Green Paper, Jan 2010

Difficulties can surface for couples and individuals at any time. Often even stable relationships may hit a difficult patch, when communication breaks down, poor intimacy develops and false assumptions made. Difficulties in a partnership can cause distress, disappointment, guilt, rejection or loneliness. At this time a counsellor and a couple can work together to solve problems and facilitate change.

What happens during Couples Counselling?

As a Couples Counsellor I can take on a number of different roles during the counselling process. I may act as facilitator, mediator, container and/or observer. I will work to support you as a couple and will point out patterns and modes of communication over the course of the sessions. Couple therapy often encourages each of you to take responsibility for your own choices and actions. Sessions are 50 minutes in length.

What are the benefits of Couples Counselling?

  • Talk about all issues in a safe environment, non-judgmental environment
  • Listen to and understand more about each other
  • Encourages communication in an easier and more constructive way
  • Resolve conflicts without hurting each other, negotiating difficult decisions
  • Recover the love, respect and fun that has previously been enjoyed
  • Learn to understand what is keeping you stuck as a couple and discover ways of moving forward

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