Exercise and Back Pain 

Exercise is important but not to the detriment of your own spine. 
If you are worried about posture or sufer from back ache why not book in for a  spinal analysis appointment. 
For the last month Clifford Lomas Osteopath has been seeing many marathon runners who have been training for the Manchester marathon. 
Osteopath Clifford lomas who has been in practice for 31 years,and  has a multitude of different patients from different walks of like from Builders to teachers to marathon enthusiasts. 

Easing Symptoms of Back Pain

Why not ease the symptoms of back pain through osteopathy treatment and is available at my clinic at Cenacle Treatment Centre.
If you suffer from back pain you are not alone. It is claimed that 4 out of 5 people get back pain at some stage of their lives. Osteopaths are in demand because they are well known as back specialists and many people say that orthodox...