Artificial flavouring and weight

Author, Mark Schatzker, has put together a time line of the artificial food industry and its most powerful ingredient: flavour, in his new book, The Dorito Effect.

"Evolution did not program us to get fat — we've simply tricked ourselves into craving the wrong foods," Schatzker says on his website.

"Synthetic flavours in foods have heightened their desirability at the very same time that whole foods are losing flavour," he says, believing that engineering food to have a longer shelf life or for prettier colours has diminished the taste. "Now that we’ve broken that connection between flavour and nutrition by creating synthetic flavour, we have created foods that tell a thrilling but deceptive nutritional lie."

Indeed the flavour of food has long been a way for people to indicate its health value. Back in the day, when all we did was seek out real food, craving certain flavours meant out bodies needed that certain ingredient. A desire for an orange, for instance, could indicate your body needs vitamin C. If you have an orange soda, it can trick your body into thinking it's getting the vitamin and the craving persists because you still need it.

Patterns of behaviour and brain function are largely influenced by diet.

There is increasing evidence to suggest t hat poor diet can lead to poor behaviour and learning disabilities amongst children.
The most common problems arising today include:

• Hyperactivity
• Autism
• Dyslexia

Not only do these have a negative impact on the individual’s personal development, they also cause a disturbance in family life, the classroom and society at large.


Characterised by 3 major problems:

• Lack of attention
• Hyperactivity
• Act on impulse

It is estimated that five percent of school aged children in England and Wales have ADHD. This is the equivalent of three hundred and sixty seven thousand.
This means that in an average class of thirty children, one or two will present with ADHD.
The incidence amongst boys is greater than girls.

Boys – hyperactivity presents as the more common problem
Girls – inattentiveness presents as the more common problem

sourced from by  minds

Source  from Food for behaviour and brain function

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