News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Your Gut Feeling:

On average the gut is home to more than 1,000 types of some 100 trillion microbes of bacteria. This colony of bacteria is known as the microbiome. It is in no way harmful, in fact its existence is vital for our overall health.

The precis combination and amount of bacteria varies with each and every individual, but scientists have discovered that amongst healthy people, it extracts and creates nutrients from the food we eat, programmes the immune system and strengthens and maintains the gut wall, blocking outside invaders such as viruses that cause disease.

The microbiome also helps to produce hundreds of neurochemicals which the brain uses to regulate digestion, immunity and metabolism, as well as mental processes such as learning, memory and mood.

In fact doctors refer to the gut as “the second brain”. Its the only organ with its own nervous system: an intricate network of 100 million nerve cells (larger than that of the spinal cord)

This network is connected with the actual brain via the vagus nerve which starts in the back of the skull and ends in the abdomen, connecting with the ears, voice box, heart, lungs and stomach along the way.

Nerve cells send and receive messages from one 'brain' to the other via neurochemicals produced by the gut microbiome. So when you feel butterflies in your tummy before an important exam or meeting, or get stomach cramps because you're anxious about a long journey that will be them communicating.

What Your Gut Microbiome Does:

It helps fuel the body: Without the gut bacteria we wouldnt be able to break down the dietary fibre and many of the carbs in our diets. The bacteria ferment them, producing fatty acids that provide energy.

It produces vital vitamins: including B vitamins for metabolism and vitamin K for blood clotting.

It boosts immunity: The bacteria in out gut are vital for the development of the immune system as they keep the gut wall strong.

It promotes general health: Changes in the microbiome are associated with diseases such as IBS. Studies also suggest healthy gut bacteria can help prevent obesity, diabetes and liver disease.

6 Tips For A Healthy Gut:

Eat Fibre

Broken down by the gut, this produces fatty acids give energy and maintain the right enviroment to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Boost Pre and Probiotics

Prebiotics are carbohydrates we cant digest so they arrive at the gut intact

where they fuel the healthy bacteria. Probiotics add healthy bacteria to the gut in the form of live cultures such as yoghurt or pickled fermented vegetables.

Reduce Fat

Too much fat in our diet changes the microbiome composition and activity in our gut.

4. Exercise Regularly

Staying active promotes healthy bowel movements so you expel waste easily from your system.

5.Monitor Protein

Too high an intake of protein (red meat) can lead to undigested food getting into the colon, where it ferments.

Have colonics

Regular colonic hydrotherapy clears out any waste matter and promotes a healthy colon, by tone and microbiome monitoring. Keeping our guts healthy, helps to keep our body healthy.

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