News from Cenacle Treatment Center

My weight is a problem when exercising.

Trying to lose weight but feeling the pressure on your knees and gives you back pain?

Many people wanting get fir and lose weight start with jogging and sit ups as a start to their exercise regime but many pick up injuries from exercising wrong or struggle because of their size.

  • Does your weight creep on steadily whatever you do?
  • Do you have to be on a diet just to maintain your weight?
  • Do you hit the gym but never firm up certain areas?
  • Has your weight problem been since childhood?

Did your weight problem kick in after sudden stresses or pregnancy or hysterectomy?
If you answered yes to any of these questions :-

You may have a metabolic problem that can kick in under certain circumstances in those that are genetically disposed. The good news is that the Blackwell Slimming Clinic (BSC) for this metabolic disorder has the solution that can change your life.

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