Pilates Now available at The Cenacle treatment centre

Help support your lower back through strengthening your core under the supervision of a skilled therapist.
Strengthening your core through Pilates is the main way to increase your stability and strengthen your ability to balance.

Post treatment and rehab

Treatments for back pain can consist of massage Osteopathy and physiotherapy which privately is the standard approach to relieve symptoms. After treatment a patient may feel uneasy about starting an exercise regime, but with supervision of qualified sports and physiotherapists therapists.

Where did Pilates originate from

Modern Pilates is based on the original works of German-born Joseph Pilates who designed a series of exercises that uses both mental and physical techniques to condition the body. His methods were used primarily by dancers, however, in recent years these methods have been introduced into the health and fitness industry.
Modern Pilates training programmes are ideal for personal trainers, physiotherapists, health professionals, experienced group exercise teachers and Pilates enthusiasts.

Many things have changed since Joseph Pilates first developed his techniques. We believe that our training programmes brings his techniques into the 21st Century by combining his principles with all the latest research and knowledge we have about fitness, exercise and core stability.

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