News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Weight Gain Post Hysterectomy

Statistically over 900 women per year per hosptal list have a Hysterectomy (removal of their Uterus). Some of this group also have to have their ovaries removed as well Oopherectomy0 or commonly refered to as a total Hysterectomy, all for many different reason's.

Hopefully after such a traumatic proceedure a positive return to good health can be the outcome. Although for a small number, emotional factors may be experienced linked to the inability to have children., and treatment may be required to help heal the links to grief and loss.

For others there may be another hidden side effect weight gain. This may be connected with the emotional loss, or simply a continum of poor eating habits but for a small group that is simply not the case.

in the 1960's found that those people who carry a particular metabolic disorder would when their ovaries were removed

Research published in the Launcet in the 1960's found that those people who carry a particular metabolic disorder would when their ovaries were removed activate a metabolic conditon ,This would cause them to gradually gain weight no matter what they ate and could only reduce their weight if they ate under 600 cal per day, but would quickly put that weight back on again when they ate normally .

The good news is the same Doctor who discovered the condition also found a treatment. With the help of substance found naturally in the body and a strict specific eating program for a short period the stored fat could be released and the condition corrected.

Written by Jeanette Blackwell

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