Recognised side effects of Statin drugs,though still being prescribed by doctors to millions of people each day

A drug used to control cholesterol levels in patients and regularly prescibed by doctors here in the UK & in the US have had a concerning number of complaints against there effectivenss and most importantly their side effects.  Data on statin usage and a link to memory loss, confusion (cognitive side effects) have been added to the labeling information.

The FDA explains that these potential cognitive consequences are reversible. The updated label also informs about reports of elevated HbA1c (glycosylated hemoglobin) and blood sugar levels. However, the Agency emphasizes that the benefits offered by statins outweigh the slightly increased risks of these adverse events. Though they have seemed to have missed that long periods of use can damage cardiac muscle in the heart, though the FDA have not thought to label this other disturbing side effect.

The Many Vital Roles of Cholesterol and the Myths & Truths

Through a complex system of hormonal checks and balances, our bodies know when to make more cholesterol, and when to back off as dietary supply meets daily needs.
Forming the backbone for numerous steroid hormones manufactured in the ovaries, testicles and adrenal glands, cholesterol plays a critical role in controlling the body’s stress response, defence system, sexual development, and numerous other metabolic functions. It’s also a major component of cholecalciferol (also known as Vitamin D3, made in skin exposed to sunlight), which assures proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus, maintains normal muscle tone and takes part in several immune and reproductive processes.

Other studies have shown that cholesterol can bind to and inactivate a broad array of toxic substances. This ties in nicely with the observation that low blood levels are associated with higher incidence of cancers. Makes sense that if you remove a substance which can neutralize carcinogenic substances, you’re likely to see increases in tumour formation.
It was research in the fifties that first led to the connection with heart disease and this has stayed despite further research in modern times.
It’s now known that cholesterol is one of the body’s repair substances- an anti-oxidant band-aid of sorts. When we eat artery damaging foods like hydrogenated and trans-fat laden vegetable oils, excess refined sugar, white flour, and, of course, over-cooked animal products, ‘good’ cholesterol levels will rise in response to the assault, attempting to moderate the damage.

The modern day tendency to address the symptom (rather than the problem) by taking drugs to lower blood levels of cholesterol is just another misguided, but high profit, approach in our nation’s unsatisfactory ‘sick care’ system.

Myth: People with high cholesterol are more prone to heart attacks.

TRUTH: Young and middle-aged men with cholesterol levels over 350 are slightly more at risk for heart attacks. Those who have cholesterol levels just below 350 are at no greater risk than those whose cholesterol is very low. For elderly men and women of all ages, high cholesterol is associated with a longer lifespan.

Related article: nutritional program for cardiovascular disease prevention