Breathing Relaxation

With increased stress and accompanying decrease in relaxation time, come raised levels of stress hormones within your body – hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Blood pressure rises. Your brain behaves differently affecting your memory and healing processes. Stress hormones are extremely useful in the short-term – say if you are attacked, but they are toxic in the long-term. They suppress your immune system function making us susceptible to disease illness and interfere with your sleep quality.

It has known for centuries that relaxation is possibly the single most important key to health and well-being. It is known antidote to stress which many doctors are starting to recognize and accept that stress is known to contribute to the development of disease When we relax, we enable our bodies the opportunity to unwind. The benefits of relaxation have been well researched and studied and some of the main benefits are outlined here.


As a result of relaxation, many people experience:

  1. Enhanced immunity
  2. Greater efficiency
  3. Better problem solving abilities and increased concentration
  4. Smoother emotions i.e. less crying, frustration, anger, anxiety
  5. Less pain and headaches

Numerous studies have shown that using some form of relaxation technique on a regular basis can in fact: