The Colonic Suite at The Cenacle Treatment Centre is the only establishment in the Stockport area that exclusively does OPEN colonics.

We are also the only centre in the UK that has a machine especially designed for this procedure.
Did you realise that there are two main systems of colonic hydrotherapy and that the difference does make all the difference to your comfort and outcome?
In a closed colonic, the client is asked to undress from the waist down, lie on their side a couch and the therapist inserts a gloved finger into the rectum to assess the trajectory of the sphincter (incidentally everyone’s is different!) The therapist then introduces a speculum attached to a tube,the speculum is removed and the tube is attached to the water supply. The client is requested to hold onto the water entering the bowel for as long as possible and the therapist then releases the pressure on the tube and waste matter is expelled. This process is repeated a number of times. The client is then directed to a toilet to evacuate the remaining waste matter.