News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Pain management through hypnosis

Hypnosis is not appropriate or effective for all sufferers of pain; this should be considered par-for-the-course, as no treatment, chemical, physical, or psychological, has ever been proven to be 100% effective. Whatever treatment undertaken if it can help a sizeable number of people, it is then considered effective. Because hypnosis has been shown to be effective in pain management in many different studies in many different situations, it should be considered as effective as other modalities.

Clients suffering from pain can be taught self hypnosis to:

    1. Relax muscles, break the tension, pain, and fear cycle.
    2. Control their pain to a tolerable level
    3. Become aware of secondary gains.
    4. Reprogramming of negative attitudes.
    5. Please note that before commencing any complimentary pain management it is recommended that you first discuss Pain management with your own doctor as it is not a substitute for any medical treatment already being received.

More from Douglas Craddock Hypnotherapst and painmanagement consultant

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