Mental Health

A report - by a task force set up by NHS England announced three-quarters of people with mental health problems received no help at all. Ministers agreed more needs to be done, committing £1bn extra a year by 2020. More funding for talking therapies to help support mental health sufferers and less on prescription medication such as
Benzodiazepines. Clinical Psychology would be a greater and more cost effective way of dealing with mental health patients.

Do I need to see a Clinical psychologist?

Clinical psychologists treat people whose thought patterns and behaviour are a threat to their own and others’ wellbeing. They assess and provide treatment for people with a wide range of conditions such as depression, eating disorders and addiction.

What is Clinical Psychology

Psychology is the study of how people think and behave – a combination of science and practice. Using direct observation, interviews and techniques such as psychometric testing, you’ll make an assessment of a patient’s problem. Treatment requires the cooperation of the patient and you will work in partnership with them to treat and manage their condition. This will usually take place over a series of sessions.
sourced from health careers.