News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Functional Medicine

What to expect at your consultation

The first consultation will be spent taking an initial history and discussing treatment strategies. You will also be offered general health and well-being advice. If you have a simple problem then this may be all you require and follow-up appointments may not be necessary. Dr Davies is accustomed to using brief Functional Medicine interventions within an NHS setting and is happy to do this where appropriate.

For clients with serious or complex health problems, further testing and information gathering will often be needed and it may be helpful to bring a copy of your prescription or 'Brief Summary' of your GP notes with you (usually provided for free if you ask your GP for a printout). If you have had NHS blood tests or other investigations getting copies of these may also be relevant.
Follow up consultations are very much dictated by the problem and treatment plan recommended. To save clinic time you may be able to complete questionnaires at home prior to follow-up consultations. A more detailed history, physical examination and test results will help to guide management of your condition.

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