My slimming regime wont work?

Good diet, regular exercise but I still cant remove unwanted fat pockets in certain areas.

This is one of the statements we regularly hear at BSC slimming Clinic from patients who have a metabolic syndrome. Patients have including boxers MMA fighters and some who never were inspired to go training due to body image problems are now looking great and training lighter.

How can this weight loss treatment

This is not a weight loss procedure its a treatment to stabilise metabolic functioning and to have the body behaving how it should be not storing fat in areas of the body ( abdominals, gluets, tops of thighs & pectoral muscles.

Weight Loss And Long Term Stability

A person with a metabolic disorder will store weight in key areas of the body. Once the body learns to accumulate energy as adipose tissue (fat tissue), it is very difficult to stop this mechanism and return the body to its original state. In other words, the patient starts suffering from a chronic condition. This is like having a chronic condition such as hypertension, diabetes or a thyroid problem.

Generally, the process begins by the patient loosing the ability to feel full. They over eat as the body does not receive the signs of being full from the regulatory centres (the Hypothalamus gland) in order to stop eating. As the body cannot get rid of the unnecessary food, accumulation of excess body fat takes place. Once this mechanism starts, it is very difficult to turn off.

The regulatory systems begin to loose their effectiveness as years go by, and eating small quantities of food may produce a remarkable weight increase. At the same time, a series of clinical disorders begin to arise: arterial or venous thrombosis, and metabolic conditions (gout, diabetes).