Treatment Neck pain and tension headaches

Treatment for neck pain  would be to receive a range of movement examination performed by a Physiotherapist, Acupuncturist,  sports therapist or Osteopath.
Through palpation ( seeing with the hands through touch) the therapist can feel for tension in the muscle and locate knotted muscle fibers. If it is a skeletal problem then the osteopath or chiropractor could  make an adjustment which would release tension in the affected area.

Physiotherapy and acupuncture for tension pains

Assessment and Treatment

A full thorough personalised assessment of your condition takes up to an hour and will include treatment in that first session. Your physiotherapist will take time at the end of the assessment to discuss your diagnosis and options for your treatment plan (if necessary). At In Peak Health we try to source the cause of your pain and not just treat the symptoms.

Follow-up treatment sessions take half an hour and will be tailored to your specific needs of rehabilitation. Treatment may include some of the following points:

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