News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Mental Health

Government raise budget to increase Children's Mental health services.

Improvement to children's Mental health services is the latest initiative by the government in the hight of Rotherham scandal & the decrease in mental health services and social workers.
Increasing the budget for children's mental health services will hopefully support children before they go missing or fall victim to negative thinking &self harming.
Unfortunately there has been huge budget cuts regarding mental health services so this new investment might just be the replacement of a service which earlier retracted. More funding to help for counselling support arranged by social workers could tackle these problems and support young vulnerable people.

Stockport council

Mental Health Issues and Support for children

The mental health and psychological well-being of children and young people is one of the 11 standards of the National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services (the Children’s NSF).

""As part of the DfE's commitment to stimulate long-term and sustained improvement in children's health, the Department wants to ensure:

    • an improvement in the mental health of all children and young people
    • partnership working between multi-agency services to promote the mental health
    • of all children and young people
    • access to mental-health care for all Children, young people and their families. more from council

The power of play therapy

The foundation of Play Therapy theory is built on the principle that, since playing comes naturally for children and the process can be self healing, it makes sense that Play Therapy taps into this natural process.
Play is the means by which children make sense of themselves, their experiences and other people, without having any real life consequences.
Play Therapy allows the child space to play and through play, he or she is able to consider and address more easily, their emotional and social problems. Using the skilful help of a Play Therapist, children can become able to find their own creative solutions to matters that may be troubling them and those around them.


Panorama - Stolen Childhoods: The Grooming Scandal
North West Children's Therapy services
Home Office to issue mental health disclosure advice

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