News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Finding clarity of thought with Mental health support

Talking therapies for mental health support

Without judgement only understanding maybe its time to talk about negative thoughts & feelings you may have within a safe empathic environment. There are many obstacle  in life that can give mental health sufferers an option falling deeper in despair or to address these feelings through mental health support therapist. Many mental health  patients keep trapped within this cycle of negative thought patterns and outdated belief systems.

Why choose counselling?

Deciding to explore whether you need or want counselling can be a very difficult decision and is a personal, unique journey that can take time. You may have found yourself here because somebody else has suggested you need counselling; you may have been told you need therapy by your GP or other health professional; you may be feeling desperate and like you have nowhere else to turn; you may have been given an ultimatum by family or friends who are worried about you; or you may have decided now is a good time in your life to improve your self awareness. Whatever your journey to this point, I am interested in your story. Everybody……..everybody has a story to tell; your life story, which got you to this point and place in time, is a good place for your therapeutic journey to start.

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