News from Cenacle Treatment Center

The menopause is a natural period of transition, and can herald a new phase in a women's life that shouldn't be seen as a beginning of decline but more a shift to greater freedom. Like all periods of transition the menopause can throw up symptoms

During and after five weeks of Tai Chi lessons, adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) showed less anxiety, daydreaming, inappropriate emotions and hyperactivity, according to a study by the Touch (TRI). Attention Deficit

Costs of Stress in the Workplace: Stress, anxiety and depression is now the single biggest cause of sickness absence in the UK 46% of employers have reported an increase in stress-related absence within the workplace The estimated cost of

Professor Brian Lieberman from Manchester Fertility Services has recently highlighted the risks to a woman’s fertility by following the latest trend to become a ‘size 0’ in an attempt to mimic celebrities who are exceptionally thin. Women with a

A two-year study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysed ten popular brands of water. They found thirty eight chemical pollutants, with an average of eight contaminants in each brand. Further, more than one-third of the chemicals found

Why chose hypnosis for childbirth? Hypnosis for childbirth has been around for many years. Dr Grantly Dick -Read, a British physician was the first to propose the "fear-tension-pain" syndrome in his work Natural Childbirth (1933) and recommended

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