
I was so happy when I received an email from a client from last year who sent me three photos of her and her son who was born last month.

Helen (33, New Mills) came to see me for fertility issues after a year trial. She didn’t have regular ovulation each month and her luteal phase was short. Her pre-menstrual symptoms were apparently more than being mild, especially bloating and distention. She didn’t like cold at all, even needed to wear socks in bed.

Both herbs and acupuncture were used at this case. And symptoms had been greatly improved. I saw her for about 5 months and in the end there was nothing major to concern about. So we decided to stop treatment after July and to see what is going to happen. She was a bit upset at the time. I told her to be patient and to have faith. Her son arrived a year later.

Yes, have faith. There are too many variables in our lives. We do our part, we do our best. But we can’t control everything. Sometimes we just need to hang in there and have faith. I know this doesn’t sound very scientific. But life is not only science. So don’t give up!

She wrote to me, “I was never sure if I’d be able to have one but I did listen to your advice to have faith and it seems to have worked!”

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