
I had always held this belief that I was not intelligent and that I would never be able to study anything successfully. My fear of failure was always with me and it was a great hurt in me that I had not succeeded when I was at school. I felt that there was a barrier between me and the rest of the world and although I pretended that I was ok with my little lot, I actually really resented it.

I went to see Amanda on trust and what I experienced was life-changing. She helped me to identify the root of my feelings of stupidity and failure – aged 7, I was emotionally and physically abused by another family and from then on I started failing at school, becoming bottom of the class. This was a memory that I had blotted out and the EFT helped me to release the deep trauma. Amanda helped me to see that I hadn’t failed at school because I was stupid, I failed at school because I was emotionally traumatised and my mind had no room for learning, it was focussed on surviving.

This was a revelation to me and clearing the effects of this time of my life has given me a deep sense of confidence that I have never know. I even went back to college and qualified as a professional person! I am now an expert in my field and have become a trainer. When I see myself speaking confidently in front of professional people such as doctors and managers I have to pinch myself! EFT has given me back my sense of mission and confidence in my contribution to the world and for that I will be eternally grateful.

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